When everyone is working together towards the same goal
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Our Team, from A to Z

© Illustrations: Magdalena Emma Valter
© Photos: Mireia Casulleras
Click here to see the Employees and Staff of the Edith Maryon AG and here for Terra Libra Immobilien GmbH.
Foundation Council

Thomas Bieri
Banking expert

Rembert Biemond
Entrepreneur and cultural entrepreneur, Järna (Sweden); Chair of the Foundation Council

Dr. Oliver Conradt
Physicist, Head of Section for Mathematics and Astronomy Goetheanum, Dornach

Alexander Graf
Certified public accountant (CH)

Barbara Schnetzler
Click here to see the professions and institutional bindings of the Foundation councillors and of boards of directors and executives.
Advisory Council
Jules Ackermann
President Association ACACIA, fund for development cooperation
Sebastian Bauer
Sibylle Brodbeck
Lawyer and remedial teacher
Barbara Buser
Architect and developer baubüro in situ and Gundeldinger Feld
Alexander von Glenck
Producer (theatre, musical, film)
Dr. Cyrill Häring
Culture business consultant
Peter Jäggli
Sibylle Jäggli
Dr. Walter Kugler
Professor Emeritus of Fine Art, Brookes University, Oxford
David Matthée
Executive Board Member Stiftung trias
Martin Niggli
Trustee and property trustee
Dr. iur. HSG Béatrice Speiser
Justus Wittich
Treasurer General Anthroposophical Society
Martin Witzig
Dr. Seija Zimmermann
Former board member of General Anthroposophical Society